分類: 科研

  • Mturk User-Perceived Clusters over Images

    更新頻率 不定期 瀏覽次數 1732 下載次數 79
    This dataset was collected by Shan-Hung Wu and DataLab members at NTHU, Taiwan. There're 325 user-perceived clusters from 100 users and their corresponding descriptions.
  • Crowdsourced Mapping

    更新頻率 不定期 瀏覽次數 1857 下載次數 64
    Crowdsourced data from OpenStreetMap is used to automate the classification of satellite images into different land cover classes (impervious, farm, forest, grass, orchard, water).
  • Individual household electric power consumption

    更新頻率 不定期 瀏覽次數 1966 下載次數 71
    Measurements of electric power consumption in one household with a one-minute sampling rate over a period of almost 4 years. Different electrical quantities and some...
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