• [需同意授權] 示範資料: datacon2019clipper

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    datacon 2019 clipper 資料示範集 [公開-需簽署] 示範資料
  • 資料管理參考指南

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    蒐集相關 DMP/ FAIR 等資料管理參考指南
  • Applicaiton Required 非公開示範資料集[示範]

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    This dataset has no description

  • Payable [付費資料]付費資料示範

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  • Applicaiton Required ImageNet ILSVRC2012

    Update frequency Irregular Page view 38684 Downloads 241
    Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge 2012 (ILSVRC2012) * 因資料授權因素,本資料集僅提供本中心同仁進行研究使用。 * 若非本中心人員有使用需求,請參考 ImageNet 官方原始授權 (http://image-net.org/download-faq) ImageNet is an...
  • Need authorization agreement MNIST

    Update frequency Irregular Page view 57989 Downloads 2289
    THE MNIST DATABASE of handwritten digits mnist 手寫辨識資料 http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/ mnist in csv 格式,出自於kaggle https://www.kaggle.com/oddrationale/mnist-in-csv/data Yann...
  • MNIST 示範展示資料

    Update frequency Irregular Page view 17691 Downloads 602
    該資料為 aI-market 專案展示示範使用
  • Applicaiton Required CIFAR-100

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    The CIFAR-100 dataset This dataset is just like the CIFAR-10, except it has 100 classes containing 600 images each. There are 500 training images and 100 testing images per...
  • Need authorization agreement Caltech256

    Update frequency Irregular Page view 22589 Downloads 73
    Abstract: Overview 256 Object Categories + Clutter At least 80 images per category 30608 images instead of 9144 Caltech-101: Drawbacks Smallest category size is 31 images: Too...
  • Need authorization agreement DARPA-TIMIT

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    The DARPA TIMIT Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus (TIMIT) Training and Test Data The TIMIT corpus of read speech has been designed to provide speech data for the...
  • Need authorization agreement 20-newsgroups

    Update frequency Irregular Page view 25999 Downloads 71
    The 20 Newsgroups data set The 20 Newsgroups data set is a collection of approximately 20,000 newsgroup documents, partitioned (nearly) evenly across 20 different newsgroups. To...
  • Applicaiton Required 授權資料圖

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    from nctu 智慧型系統實驗室 授權資料圖
  • Need authorization agreement Open Images Dataset V4

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    Open Images V4 https://storage.googleapis.com/openimages/web/index.html Open Images is a dataset of ~9 million images that have been annotated with image-level labels and object...
  • Need authorization agreement OD API models

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    使用od api預先git下的模組約4.3GB
  • Need authorization agreement 輕量化TensorFlow的移動裝置AI應用開發

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    內含四個類別共1218張玩具商品圖檔 ( 1218 images / 4 class / 1920 x 1080 / 60mb ) ,供 輕量化TensorFlow的移動裝置AI應用開發 課程範例使用。
  • Need authorization agreement 國網高速計算使用資料

    Update frequency Irregular Page view 21987 Downloads 9
    國網高速計算使用資料 欄位資訊如下: Q_SVR => queue server名稱 T_DATE => job執行結束時間 Q_NAME => queue名稱 JOB_NAME => job名稱 JOB_ID => job id JOB_TYPE => P: parallel平行,S: serial串行...
  • Need authorization agreement Gravitational waveform template

    Update frequency Irregular Page view 22380 Downloads 20

    This dataset has no description

  • Need authorization agreement NIH Clinical Center DeepLesion

    Update frequency Irregular Page view 39249 Downloads 2857
    The usage of the data set is unrestricted. However, it is recommended to cite our JMI 2018 paper and provide the link to our original download site in your paper. Please read...
  • NCHC-AI種子教師資料上傳手冊與示範

    Update frequency Irregular Page view 22141 Downloads 550
    NCHC-AI種子教師資料上傳手冊與示範 1. 登入->改密碼 2. 登入->組織->AI企業列車 3. 新增資料集->上傳檔案 4. 設定資料集群組為 AI-ML
  • Need authorization agreement 以深度學習為基礎的 ImageNet 對應教育部字典詞條

    Update frequency Irregular Page view 22008 Downloads 2