
URL: https://scidm.nchc.org.tw/en/dataset/best_wish89326/resource/687b8935-a5d7-4c38-bb82-651ce2820bec/nchcproxy

revise_msg:Clean spaces for 6st variable

Clean spaces for 10st variable

Clean spaces for 12st variable

Clean spaces for 14st variable

Clean spaces for 16st variable

Clean spaces for 17st variable

Clean spaces for 18st variable

Clean spaces for 19st variable

Clean spaces for 20st variable

Clean spaces for 21st variable

Clean spaces for 22st variable

Clean spaces for 23st variable

Remove all row or column with na or space


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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
RptNo text
RptName text
StatCourseNo text
StatCourseName text
DataDate text
PlaceNo numeric
PlaceName text
PeriodNo text
PeriodName text
Complex1 numeric
ComplexName text
Complex2 numeric
Complex2Name text
Complex3 numeric
Complex3Name text
Complex4 numeric
Complex5 numeric
DeriveNo numeric
FValue numeric
RptDeptNo text
RptDeptName text
CreateTime text
ModifyTime text

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated July 25, 2020
Metadata last updated July 25, 2020
Created July 25, 2020
Format CSV
License No License Provided
Createdover 4 years ago
Media typetext/csv
datastore activeTrue
has viewsTrue
last modifiedover 4 years ago
on same domainTrue
package id4fe38f7e-a2ba-432b-8f56-0dc3ae93eaee
proxy urlhttps://scidm.nchc.org.tw/en/dataset/4fe38f7e-a2ba-432b-8f56-0dc3ae93eaee/resource/687b8935-a5d7-4c38-bb82-651ce2820bec/nchcproxy/4_nchc_revise
revision id9db1e883-08a3-453f-99a3-33b363043654
url typeupload


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