
資料來源:民國94-97年國民營養健康狀況變遷調查(NAHSIT)。 備註:1. 有效樣本數採實際完訪樣本數之最大可利用值,該題為遺漏值者均自分母刪除;分析結果經加權調整。 2. 依衛生福利部建議,成人每日鈉總攝取量不宜超過2400毫克(即鹽6公克)。 Source:Nutrition And Health Survey in Taiwan. Note:1. Sample size means effective sample size for indicators, and all results were weighted. 2. According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare recommends that adult total daily sodium intake should not exceed 2,400 mg (ie, 6 grams of salt).

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Field Value
Author 賴小姐
Last Updated October 26, 2019, 04:16 (CST)
Created October 26, 2019, 04:16 (CST)
Tag 生育保健
author_phone 0422172200#2518
authorize 政府資料開放授權條款-第1版
created_time 2015/04/30 00:00
extra_note 授權說明網址: http://data.gov.tw/license
license http://data.gov.tw/license
provide_from 衛生福利部國民健康署
variable_descript 依年齡別分by age;有效樣本數SampleSize;男Male(克);女Female(克);總計Both(克)


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