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This data collection consists of images acquired during chemoradiotherapy of 20 locally-advanced, non-small cell lung cancer patients. The images include four-dimensional (4D) fan beam (4D-FBCT) and 4D cone beam CT (4D-CBCT). All patients underwent concurrent radiochemotherapy to a total dose of 64.8-70 Gy using daily 1.8 or 2 Gy fractions. 4D-FBCT images were acquired on a 16-slice helical CT scanner (Brilliance Big Bore, Philips Medical Systems, Andover, MA) as respiration-correlated CTs with 10 breathing phases (0 to 90%, phase-based binning) and 3 mm slice thickness. 4D-FBCT images were acquired during simulation, prior to therapy, and used for therapy planning. In 14 of the 20 subjects, 4D-FBCTs were also acquired on the same scanner weekly during therapy. 4D-CBCT images were acquired on a commercial CBCT scanner (On-Board Imager™, Varian Medical Systems, Inc.). An external surrogate (Real-time Position Management, Varian Medical Systems, Inc.) was integrated into the CBCT acquisition system to stamp each CBCT projection with the surrogate respiratory signal through in-house software and hardware tools. Approximately 2500 projections were acquired over a period of 8-10 minutes in half-fan mode with half bow-tie filter. The technique was 125 kVp, 20 mA, and 20 ms in a single 360° slow gantry arc. Using the external surrogate, the CBCT projections were sorted into 10 breathing phases (0 to 90%, phase-based binning) and reconstructed with an in-house FDK reconstruction algorithm.

Audio-visual biofeedback was performed for all 4D-FBCT and 4D-CBCT acquisitions in all subjects. A single Radiation Oncologist delineated targets and organs at risk in all 4D-FBCT and a limited number of 4D-CBCT images, on all 10 phases per scan. Seven of the subjects had gold coils implanted as fiducial markers in or near the tumor.

For questions and information regarding this dataset, please contact Geoff Hugo,

Data collection and analysis was supported by NIH P01CA116602.




最終更新 12月 3, 2019, 14:29 (CST)
作成日 2月 14, 2019, 10:19 (CST)


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