  • 國網洞見資料集_醫療衛生_4

    Update frequency Irregular Page view 5045 Downloads 2072
    關鍵字: 疹性,所致,上呼吸道,病媒蚊,接種,蛇毒,執業,病床,病床數,癌症,等等
  • 數位典藏與數位學習國家型科技計畫

    Update frequency Irregular Page view 13682 Downloads 181
  • Need authorization agreement LASS_ARCHIVE-lass-2018q4

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  • Need authorization agreement LASS_ARCHIVE-lass-2019q2

    Update frequency Irregular Page view 39504 Downloads 0


  • Mturk User-Perceived Clusters over Images

    Update frequency Irregular Page view 2019 Downloads 117
    This dataset was collected by Shan-Hung Wu and DataLab members at NTHU, Taiwan. There're 325 user-perceived clusters from 100 users and their corresponding descriptions.
  • Crowdsourced Mapping

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    Crowdsourced data from OpenStreetMap is used to automate the classification of satellite images into different land cover classes (impervious, farm, forest, grass, orchard, water).
  • Individual household electric power consumption

    Update frequency Irregular Page view 2327 Downloads 117
    Measurements of electric power consumption in one household with a one-minute sampling rate over a period of almost 4 years. Different electrical quantities and some...
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