
網址: https://scidm.nchc.org.tw/zh_TW/dataset/best_wish111783/resource/0a862750-bbf2-40cd-b6e4-adbe91fd159e/nchcproxy

revise_msg:Deal with compensate function

Clean spaces for 1st variable

Clean spaces for 2st variable

Clean spaces for 3st variable

Clean spaces for 4st variable

Clean spaces for 5st variable

Clean spaces for 8st variable

Clean spaces for 9st variable

Clean spaces for 10st variable

Clean spaces for 11st variable

Clean spaces for 12st variable

Clean spaces for 13st variable

Clean spaces for 15st variable

Clean spaces for 16st variable

Clean spaces for 17st variable

Clean spaces for 18st variable

Clean spaces for 19st variable

Clean spaces for 20st variable

Clean spaces for 21st variable

Clean spaces for 22st variable

Clean spaces for 23st variable

Clean spaces for 24st variable

Clean spaces for 25st variable

Clean spaces for 26st variable

Clean spaces for 27st variable

Clean spaces for 28st variable

Clean spaces for 29st variable

Clean spaces for 30st variable

Clean spaces for 31st variable

Clean spaces for 32st variable

Clean spaces for 33st variable

Clean spaces for 35st variable

Clean spaces for 36st variable

Clean spaces for 37st variable

Clean spaces for 38st variable

Clean spaces for 39st variable

Clean spaces for 40st variable

Clean spaces for 41st variable

Clean spaces for 42st variable

Clean spaces for 43st variable

Clean spaces for 44st variable

Clean spaces for 45st variable

Clean spaces for 46st variable

Clean spaces for 48st variable

Clean spaces for 49st variable

Clean spaces for 50st variable

Remove all row or column with na or space


此資料檢視目前無法瀏覽 點擊此處獲得更多資訊



欄位 型式 標籤 說明
撟<b4> numeric
<e6><9c><88> numeric
<e6> numeric
<e6><99><82> numeric
<e5><88><86> numeric
蝮<a3>撣<82> text
<e5><8d>€ text
甇<bb> numeric
<e5><8f> numeric
2-30 numeric
憭拙€<99> numeric
<e5><85><b7><9a> numeric
<e9><81>楝憿 numeric
<e9>€<99><90> numeric
<e9><81>楝<e5><9e><85><8b> numeric
鈭<95><bd>蔭 numeric
頝舫<e9>鋆<9d> numeric
頝舫<e7><8b>€<e6><85><8b> numeric
頝舫蝻粹 numeric
<e9><9a><a4> numeric
閬<b7><9d> numeric
<e8><99><aa>車憿<9e> numeric
<e8><99><aa><8b><bd><9c> numeric
<e5><88><90>身<e6> numeric
敹怨<bb><81><88><b8>€<e8>頠<81><96><93> numeric
敹急頠<81><96><93> numeric
頝舫<e9><82><b7><9a> numeric
鈭<95><a1><9e><8f><9e><85><8b> numeric
銝餉<a6><82><9b><a0> numeric
<e5><8f>蝔漲 numeric
銝餉<a6><e8><99><95> numeric
靽風鋆<82><99> numeric
銵<8b>閰<b1> numeric
<e7>鈭€<8d>€<e5><88>憿 text
頠<bc><e9>€<94> numeric
<e7>鈭€<a1><8b><8b>€<e6><85><8b> numeric
擏<a7><b3><e6><83>耦 numeric
擏<a7><e7>蝔桅<a1><9e> numeric
憌脤<85><83>耦 numeric
頠<bc><92><93>雿<9c>€<e5><88><9d> numeric
頠<bc><92><93>雿隞<96> numeric
<e8><82><ba><9b><b4>€ numeric
<e8><82><ba><9b><b4>蜓閬<81> numeric
<e8><82><ba>€€<b8> numeric
<e8>璆<ad> numeric
<e6><97>活<e7><e7><9a><84> numeric
頠車 text
GPS摨扳<a8>蝺臬漲 numeric
GPS摨扳<a8>蝬漲 numeric
鈭<95><a1> numeric


最後更新資料 六月 19, 2020
最後更新的詮釋資料 六月 19, 2020
建立 六月 19, 2020
格式 CSV
共享範圍/授權 沒有可使用的許可
Media typetext/csv
datastore activeTrue
has viewsTrue
last modified超過 4 年之前
on same domainTrue
package id756919a2-18b7-4611-ab05-2be715df20aa
proxy urlhttps://scidm.nchc.org.tw/zh_TW/dataset/756919a2-18b7-4611-ab05-2be715df20aa/resource/0a862750-bbf2-40cd-b6e4-adbe91fd159e/nchcproxy/%E8%87%BA%E4%B8%AD%E5%B8%82%E6%94%BF%E5%BA%9C%E8%AD%A6%E5%AF%9F%E5%B1%80108%E5%B9%B49%E6%9C%88%E4%BB%BD%E4%BA%A4%E9%80%9A%E4%BA%8B%E6%95%85%E8%B3%87%E6%96%99_nchc_revise
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建立超過 4 年之前


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