
網址: https://scidm.nchc.org.tw/zh_TW/dataset/best_wish48504/resource/9c5ac1d1-99a3-4713-95cc-dd0b5c822ed9/nchcproxy

revise_msg:Deal with compensate function

Clean spaces for 2st variable

Clean spaces for colname of data

Cannot deal with 14 st row

Cannot deal with 30 st row

Cannot deal with 50 st row

Cannot deal with 70 st row

Cannot deal with 75 st row

Cannot deal with 118 st row

Cannot deal with 138 st row

Cannot deal with 154 st row

Cannot deal with 170 st row

Cannot deal with 181 st row

Cannot deal with 184 st row

Cannot deal with 250 st row

Cannot deal with 268 st row

Cannot deal with 279 st row

Cannot deal with 290 st row

Cannot deal with 291 st row

Cannot deal with 297 st row

Cannot deal with 301 st row

Cannot deal with 305 st row

Cannot deal with 314 st row

Cannot deal with 316 st row

Cannot deal with 318 st row

Cannot deal with 319 st row

Cannot deal with 321 st row

Cannot deal with 324 st row

Cannot deal with 332 st row

Cannot deal with 333 st row

Cannot deal with 334 st row

Cannot deal with 342 st row

Cannot deal with 367 st row

Cannot deal with 369 st row

Cannot deal with 370 st row

Cannot deal with 372 st row

Cannot deal with 373 st row

Cannot deal with 374 st row

Cannot deal with 383 st row

Cannot deal with 399 st row


此資料檢視目前無法瀏覽 點擊此處獲得更多資訊



最後更新資料 三月 27, 2020
最後更新的詮釋資料 三月 27, 2020
建立 三月 27, 2020
格式 CSV
共享範圍/授權 沒有可使用的許可
Media typetext/csv
has viewsTrue
last modified超過 4 年之前
on same domainTrue
package idba56744e-07f0-4f95-b8dd-74ef3ac67445
proxy urlhttps://scidm.nchc.org.tw/zh_TW/dataset/ba56744e-07f0-4f95-b8dd-74ef3ac67445/resource/9c5ac1d1-99a3-4713-95cc-dd0b5c822ed9/nchcproxy/%E8%A1%8C%E6%94%BF%E9%99%A2%E9%9B%B2%E5%98%89%E5%8D%97%E5%8D%80%E8%81%AF%E5%90%88%E6%9C%8D%E5%8B%99%E4%B8%AD%E5%BF%83-%E7%84%A6%E9%BB%9E%E6%96%B0%E8%81%9E_nchc_revise
revision id8feb2d10-7599-4d6c-bdb0-caa94c6d0cbf
url typeupload
建立超過 4 年之前


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