• 需同意授權 FlyCircuit 3D Neural Image Demo Database

    更新頻率 不定期 瀏覽次數 4545 下載次數 848
    The National Center for High-Performance Computing's Computational Biology Team has collaborated with Tsinghua University's Center for Brain Science to create the world's first...
  • 需同意授權 MI3 (Multi-Intensity Infrared Illumination) Database

    更新頻率 不定期 瀏覽次數 14253 下載次數 349
    Surveillance video captured by Multi-intensity infrared illuminator. GT(ground-truths) :bounding boxes of 'person' in channel 2,4 and 6 by following the Pascal VOC format....
  • 醫療影像DEMO資料集

    更新頻率 不定期 瀏覽次數 38614 下載次數 3614
    中文描述:以NIH提供之影像進行說明 英文描述:dataset for testing and demo