• FishEye8K: A Benchmark and Dataset for Fisheye Camera Object Detection

    更新頻率 不定期 瀏覽次數 19940 下載次數 3456
    FishEye8K With the advance of AI, road object detection has been a prominent topic in computer vision, mostly using perspective cameras. Fisheye lens provides omnidirectional...
  • 魚眼資料 1K Eval

    更新頻率 不定期 瀏覽次數 3430 下載次數 1233
    說明: Fish-Eye 1K Eval: Before use, move the images in the images1 folder back to the images folder.... for cvpr data challenge user please apply the form to download data....
  • 需申請審核 R1_FishLen_Dataset_CenterPoint_516f&5014p(R1新竹市魚眼交通資料集)

    更新頻率 不定期 瀏覽次數 3446 下載次數 5
    Hsinchu city traffic image data_with point center annotation_5000p Dataset Description This data set is a fisheye lens video file of important intersections in Hsinchu City,...