資料來源:本署癌症登記資料庫。 備註:1.觀察存活率:被診斷出癌症的患者中,存活超過特定時間之比例。(包括非死於該癌症之個案)。 2.相對存活率:比較同樣的年齡和性別的癌症患者與沒有被診斷患有癌症的一般族群之存活率。(排除非死於該癌症之個案)。 Source:Cancer Registry Database, HPA. Note:1.The observed survival rate indicates the proportion of patients who were diagnosed with cancer at a given time and are alive at a certain point in time after diagnosis. All deaths are considered in this calculation regardless of cause, which reflects total mortality in the group of patients, not just that attributable solely to cancer. 2.Cumulative relative survival (%), which expresses the probability of cancer survival after adjustment for competing causes of death, was estimated as the ratio of observed to expected survival. Observed survival was based on deaths from all causes. Expected survival was based on cases only to the age-, year- and sex-specific mortalities observed in the general population (comparable group).