revise_msg:Clean spaces for 1st variable Clean spaces for 4st variable Clean...
欄位 | 值 |
作者 | 張小姐 |
最後更新 | 十二月 16, 2020, 19:45 (CST) |
建立 | 十月 24, 2019, 10:33 (CST) |
Tag | 公共資訊 |
author_phone | 02-27631833#1356 |
authorize | 政府資料開放授權條款-第1版 |
created_time | 2014/08/29 08:00 |
extra_note | 更新頻率說明: 每年8月 授權說明網址: http://data.gov.tw/license |
license | http://data.gov.tw/license |
provide_from | 財政部財政資訊中心 |
variable_descript | 年度 year;機關 Agency;季別 Quarter;應稅家數 Taxable Number of Business Entities (1);應稅家數百分比 Taxable Number of Business Entities %;未達起徵家數 Below Tax ThresholdNumber of Business Entities (2);未達起徵家數百分比 Below Tax Threshold Number of Business Entities %;實際開徵家數 Actually Levied Number of Business Entities (3);實際開徵家數百分比 Actually Levied Number of Business Entities %;實際開徵總銷售額 Actually Levied Total Sales Amount (4);實際開徵總銷售額百分比 Actually Levied Total Sales Amount %;實際開徵平均銷售額 Actually Levied Avg Sales Amount (4)/(3);實際開徵總稅額 Actually Levied Total Tax Amount Levied (5);實際開徵總稅額百分比 Actually Levied Total Tax Amount Levied %;實際開徵平均稅額 Actually Levied Avg Tax Amount (5)/(3);未達起徵點家數佔本轄區百分比 Number of Business Entity Of Below Tax Threshold % (2)/(1);實際開徵家數佔本轄區百分比 Number of Business Entities Actually Levied % (3)/(1) |