
Lung Phantom

The FDA anthropomorphic thorax phantom with 12 phantom lesions of different sizes (10 and 20 mm in effective diameter), shapes (spherical, elliptical, lobulated, and spiculated), and densities (−630,−10, and +100 HU) was scanned at Columbia University Medical Center on a 64-detector row scanner (LightSpeed VCT, GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI). The CT scanning parameters were 120 kVp, 100 mAs, 64x0.625 collimation, and pitch of 1.375. The images were reconstructed with the lung kernel using 1.25 mm slice thickness. This data set was provided to TCIA for use in the National Cancer Institute's Quantiatitive Imaging Network (QIN) Lung CT Segmentation Challenge. A TCIA Digital Object Identifier was created to enable easy re-use of the complete multi-site challenge data set.

About the NCI QIN The mission of the QIN is to improve the role of quantitative imaging for clinical decision making in oncology by developing and validating data acquisition, analysis methods, and tools to tailor treatment for individual patients and predict or monitor the response to drug or radiation therapy. More information is available on the Quantitative Imaging Network Collections page. Interested investigators can apply to the QIN at: Quantitative Imaging for Evaluation of Responses to Cancer Therapies (U01).



最後更新 十二月 3, 2019, 14:27 (CST)
建立 十月 16, 2018, 08:40 (CST)


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