
Open Images Dataset V4

Open Images V4


Open Images is a dataset of ~9 million images that have been annotated with image-level labels and object bounding boxes. The training set of V4 contains 14.6M bounding boxes for 600 object classes on 1.74M images, making it the largest existing dataset with object location annotations. The boxes have been largely manually drawn by professional annotators to ensure accuracy and consistency. The images are very diverse and often contain complex scenes with several objects (8.4 per image on average). Moreover, the dataset is annotated with image-level labels spanning thousands of classes.


The annotations are licensed by Google Inc. under CC BY 4.0 license. The images are listed as having a CC BY 2.0 license. Note: while we tried to identify images that are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license, we make no representations or warranties regarding the license status of each image and you should verify the license for each image yourself.



最後更新 2020年10月11日, 凌晨3點04分 (UTC+00:00)
建立 2018年5月24日, 下午12點38分 (UTC+00:00)


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