

The RIDER Lung PET-CT collection was shared to facilitate the RIDER PET/CT subgroup activities. The PET/CT subgroup was responsible for: (1) archiving de-identified DICOM serial PET/CT phantom and lung cancer patient data in a public database to provide a resource for the testing and development of algorithms and imaging tools used for assessing response to therapy, (2) conducting multiple serial imaging studies of a long half-life phantom to assess systemic variance in serial PET/CT scans that is unrelated to response, and (3) identifying and recommending methods for quantifying sources of variance in PET/CT imaging with the goal of defining the change in PET measurements that may be unrelated to response to therapy, thus defining the absolute minimum effect size that should be used in the design of clinical trials using PET measurements as end points.



最後更新 十二月 3, 2019, 13:21 (CST)
建立 十月 16, 2018, 14:02 (CST)


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