



作者 陳小姐
最後更新 一月 23, 2020, 18:57 (CST)
建立 十一月 13, 2019, 09:54 (CST)
Tag 公共資訊
author_phone 0423051111#8912
authorize 政府資料開放授權條款-第1版
created_time 2016/06/29 00:00
extra_note 原資料集類型:其他 授權說明網址: http://data.gov.tw/license
license http://data.gov.tw/license
provide_from 財政部中區國稅局
variable_descript 年度Year;單位別 Agency;遺產稅延期申報 Deferred declaration of Estate Tax;贈與稅延期申報 Deferred declaration of Gift Tax;扣繳單位統一編號設立、變更登記 Business Uniform Number institution or alteration registration of tax withholding organizations;營所稅核定資料查詢 Inquiries about data on Profit-Seeking Enterprise Income Tax;綜所稅核定資料查詢 Inquiries about data on Individual Income Tax;遺產稅核定資料查詢 Inquiries about data on Estate Tax;贈與稅核定資料查詢 Inquiries about data on Gift Tax;貨物稅核定資料查詢 Inquiries about data on Commodity Tax;證交稅核定資料查詢 Inquiries about data on payment of the Securities Tax;期交稅核定資料查詢 Inquiries about data on payment of the Futures Transactios Tax;菸酒稅核定資料查詢 Inquiries about data on Tobacco and Alcohol Tax;營業稅核定資料查詢 Inquiries about data on Business Tax;納稅資料查詢 Inquiries about data on Tax Paid;欠稅資料查詢 Inquiries about data onTax Arrears;退稅資料查詢 Inquiries about data on Tax Refunds;綜所稅各類所得資料清單查詢 Enquiries about Data on Various Incomes;綜所稅各類所得原始憑證查詢 Inquiries about original certificates on Individual Income Tax;本人財產歸戶資料查詢 Inquiries about Data on Personal Property;被繼承人財產、所得及贈與資料查詢 Inquiries regarding ancestor's properties, incomes and gifts;債權人查調債務人課稅資料查詢 Inquiries regarding creditor's investigation of debtor's taxation information;各類申辦案件作業進度查詢 Inquiries about progress on various kinds of application cases;行政救濟案件作業進度查詢 Inquiries about progress on administrtive remedies;小規模營利事業營業額核定資料查詢 Inquiries regarding revenue assessment of small-scale profit-seeking enterprises;綜所稅稅籍查詢 Inquiries regarding Individual Income Tax registration;營利事業暨扣繳單位統一編號查詢 Inquiries regarding Business Uniform Number of Profit-Seeking Enterprises and Withholding Agencies;全國贈與資料查詢 Inquiries about data on National Bestowal or Donation;綜所稅各類所得及本人財產資料清單查詢 Inquiries about list of all kinds of income on Individual Income Tax and Enquiries about Data on Personal Property;各項稅款補發稅單 Tax statement re-issuance;補發遺產稅不動產公同共有同意移轉證明書 Re-issuance of certificate for agreement to transfer commonly held real estate covered by Estate Tax;核發儲蓄免扣證 Issuance of certificate for exemption from withhloding tax on savings;核發中文綜所稅納稅證明書 Issuance of Tax Payment Certificate (Chinese) for Individual Income Tax;核發英文綜所稅納稅證明書 Issuance of Tax Payment Certificate (English) for Individual Income Tax;核發中文個人房屋土地交易所得稅納稅證明 Issuance of Tax Payment Certificate ( Chinese) for Individual House and Land Transactions Income Tax;核發英文個人房屋土地交易所得稅納稅證明 Issuance of Tax Payment Certificate (English ) for Individual House and Land Transactions Income Tax;核發違章欠稅查復表 Issuance of tax violation and tax arrears review form;核發扣繳稅款繳納證明 Issuance of payment certificate for tax withhloding;補發遺產稅證明書 Re-issuance of Estate Tax certificate;補發贈與稅證明書 Re-issuance of Estate Tax certificate;核發繳稅證明 Issuance of payment for tax


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