授權: Other (Non-Commercial) 標籤: 醫療影像

  • 需申請審核 H11-M114_CSFT

    更新頻率 不定期 瀏覽次數 3073 下載次數 5
    Histopathological images provide the medical evidences to help the disease diagnosis. However, manually reviewing these images by pathologists is very time consuming. Moreover,...
  • 需申請審核 H11-M23_弱監督式深度學習方法之分割方法

    更新頻率 不定期 瀏覽次數 1738 下載次數 0
    Common bile duct (CBD) stones caused diseases are life-threatening. Because CBD stones locate in the distal part of the CBD and have relatively small sizes, detecting CBD stones...
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